Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Semiconductor introduced the New Deal years, is expected to be directly in foreign equity holding

Reporter yesterday learned that the semiconductor industry's concern during the year is expected to introduce the New Deal.

The day before yesterday the opening of the National Information Industry Conference on Technology Innovation, Ministry of Information Industry announced the "information industry development," Eleventh Five-Year Plan "and the 20-year long-term planning framework" that will support integrated circuits, software, high-definition digital television, broadband wireless mobile communications, 13 large projects. Which support the integrated circuit industry, the signal is very strong.

IC restricting the development of China's information industry strategic basis for science and technology. Ministry of Information Industry Minister Wang Xudong said: "Encouraging integrated industrial policy is still not perfect, the existing policy documents such as '18 ', there is the further implementation of the problem." It is understood that the State Development and Reform Commission is currently leading research to develop further the integrated circuit and software to support industrial development policy. MII statement said, will actively promote the policy as soon as possible, the earliest time point end of the year.

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